Tuesday 30 September 2014

Taiwan Bucketlist

I love travelling. Though I don't travel often but I love travelling. You can say that i'm a wanderlust kind of person. I've always dreamt of places like Maldives, Korea, Edinburgh, Isles of Scilly, Belgium and the list goes on. I'm especially a huge fan of medieval cities or towns though i'm not really a fan of Harry Potter but I still love the settings. It's just so cool!

Well of course it has nothing to do with Taiwan but me and Mel plan to go to Taiwan with a bunch of some other friends after the SPM exams. I really hope it works out and I think it will because of my strong will and Mel's perseverance and mind-set that anything's possible. *cough* *cough*

I've never travelled with friends and I think it will be a lot of fun!

The first thing that comes to mind when I think of Taiwan is street snacks! I wanna eat like there's no tomorrow lol!

So here's my bucketlist!

- Go to night markets for the FOOD!
Taiwan is all about their street snacks. It's like a ritual to eat street snacks in Taiwan.

- Accommodate at a homestay!
A lot of people stay at homestays in Taiwan and their feedbacks are mostly positive. It's a must try I guess!

- Cycle by bike around (island/town, preferably an island)
Picture scene from To The Beautiful You. This is probably the idea that I love the most.

- Try out their theme parks
I wanna try out all the rides! I love rides! The more extreme the better! I'm a "live wild play hard" kind of person.

- Visit celebs' cafes 
Mel's idea. Well most of this list is Mel's idea but I love all of them!

- Shop at Xi Men Ding!
Xi Men Ding! Always hear about Xi Men Ding in Taiwan Dramas. Gotta go check it out!

- If possible, experience their 跨年 (new year's eve)
跨年 is an event when people stay up and countdown to the new year on new year's eve. I've joined Singapore's 跨年 and I think it was meh cuz people had to gather at one place to see "legal" fireworks show and it's just so packed. I remembered the ang moh behind me kept pushing me. can you give me some space?! oh wait, you can't. 

-Take pictures of the city lights
It's a habit for me to take pictures of city lights wherever I go. Gawd you don't know how much I love city lights. It just defines the life of the city,

 I can't think of anything else besides FOOD lol. So I guess that's about it!

Friday 26 September 2014

If life gives you lemons...

Let me tell you something awful.

Tomorrow will not be better. 

I’m sorry if I’m crushing souls here but nope it will not be better.

You see, if that was really the case then the world would be filled with love and ponies and sugar, spice and everything nice by now.

The world is still so damn jaded and evil.

But it’s your own perspective that matters, how you handle the aftermath of the storm.

You have to mold your own key to get out of your own prison.

I just created a quote, tsk tsk.

Someone once told me that people try to bring you down because they want to see how you react to it. Come out strong and they’ll stop.

Don’t ever think that your life is ruined. If you give even just a single damn about your life, it’s not ruined.  

I still love what I said before, not everything happens to you.

Bad things don’t come in a bundle, well maybe they do but they sure don’t come in bundles. Lame pun I know.

Realize when you’re so weak and when you start to really fight for your life, you become so strong?

Live in the moment. Because in the moment, everything is in present tense. No regrets.

Don’t worry so much because things we worry about usually don’t happen.

I’ve never shared this but there’s a quote I saw on Facebook a long long time ago and it goes “You've gone this far, went through this much, shouldn't you get a reward for this?”

It means that since you’ve been through this much, then go on and be better, that’s the reward. Not from anyone else but from you yourself.

That’s the quote that motivates me the most.

It keeps me going.

Everyone has problems so don’t be too hard on yourself. 


Thursday 25 September 2014

The Page 45 Game.

Skipped school today. :X
Saw this on the net and I decided to try it out! 
I tried on a few books even tho I don't have a love life yet aherm.

This is the book that was nearest to me. ""Thanks," I said, wondering what this was about." 
So maybe it's complicated and lost but then i'm grateful too?

This is from Alaska! Hahaha Alaska craze. Basketball huh? Sports. Sweet.

Does this mean my future mother-in-law will be very strict? Or may not like me? lol

Ahh this I love! I'll translate. "Name is one of the aces, she often uses her voice(as in singing) to tell stories, it's true and accurate." Something like that.
I love people like that. Mysterious, true, real.

Tuesday 23 September 2014


An abundance of dreams. An abundance of very big dreams.

I'm inspired by a lot of people, people who go out and change the world. People who are crazy enough to change the world. People who know what they want, and go get it. See, many artist and successful people started out at a young age, and a lot of them started out at 16. 16. 

It's Sep 22 now, what have I done this year. When am I going to stop asking myself this question and actually go out and do something? It's weird when you think about it, that we all have goals but all we do is imagine the future. How bright it would be. It's like standing in a prison cell and the door's wide open, you're free but you don't move. You just lay there thinking how nice it would be to get out there. 

And oh how nice it would be.

Being 16 in 2014, a blood-stained year. Deaths everywhere, deaths of dreams too. The births of new ones, not so much. But one, so big it surpasses the rest. And I'm thankful to the people I've met. They gave me motivation and they taught me so much. Thanks so much. 

Since 2014 is almost over, there's nothing I can do about it. Let me rephrase. There's nothing I will do about it. Just do what I will eh? That being repenting, some serious late night one-to-one talk with mrs think-to-much, and some apologies that we'll see later. Later. 

Once you admit that you've failed, your fears of failure will disappear.

Quote from Muhan Dojeon. I can even quote from a reality show. Daebak isn't it?

16 isn't a age I would want to remember nor be proud of. 16 defines youth, well mine is kinda like midlife crisis. I've become a land mine, a time bomb, I cut everyone who steps on me. Don't ask me, don't tell me, I don't want to know why. 
This is not who I want to be. This is not who I intended to be. A monster.  
Oh they win. They win. All the time.

Monday 22 September 2014



Tell me this is true!

Gawd LFA is being made into a movie! CANT WAIT 

I hope it'll be better than TFIOS. Cause' TFIOS' movie was amazing and I love Alaska more than anything so I hope it'll be epic!

I borrowed Sam LFA and he loved it! Btw the link above is from him! Never had a friend fan over a book together lol.  


So holiday was meh. Here's what I did: 1 Night 2 Days, Final Fantasy 3. Nerd? I thought so too.

I feel like i've become proud, the "snobbish" kinda proud. Sorry guys, I didn't mean too. I just wanted to cheer for myself, to actually be happy for myself. To be honest, I wanted to just maybe show that I'm capable too. That i'm not weak.


So! That was awkward "aherm". 

Monday 8 September 2014

#np: September's Playlist

Heyyyo! New playlist for September! A lot of Mando songs this time!





Melted-Akdong Musician

Gawd, this is so nice. AKMU is seriously talented.


Hebe's songs always reminds me of 死神少女 don't they?




林宥嘉 again! Oldie but still gold!

Amnesia-5 Seconds of Summer

When he says those words that hurt you, do you read the ones I wrote you?

Go (Acoustic)-Aziatix

I listened to Aziatix's Slippin Away 3 years ago and I think I might have fallen in love all over again.

And that sums it all up! 
