Thursday 13 February 2014

Valentines 2014

Valentines Day isn't a day that people like me would anticipate. You know, single. So it'd be just another Friday for me.

And I think a lot of people will tell you off (if you're 16 like me.) that you're still young bla bla bla to even put an effort in caring about Valentines Day.

I think that we're old enough to love, but too young to understand it.

"We're to young and too dumb to care, love was a story that couldn't compare." 
Love it.

Nothing's perfect, I get that. Sometimes things don't go well and it's okay, it's fine, no big deal. But when love, when a relationship don't go well, it's over. Relationships are either good or bad, there's no middle ground. I'm not taking the risk any more, well at least at this age.

I like friends. I like being friends. I like being good friends and having them. I love them, I really do. I don't plan to go over the "friend line", not ever. I'm not crush material, I dislike awkward situations.

There's going to be a lot of confessions and flowers tomorrow.

Anyway, tell them you love them before it's too late. See a chance? Take it or leave it. No second guessing. That's the only two options in a relationship.

I feel like a philosopher. Haha *sweats*

Happy Valentines Day!

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