Tuesday 25 February 2014

The Fault In Our Stars - John Green (Book Review)

The Fault in Our Stars. 

I know i'm a little too late. Then again, books are like music, there's no expiry date.

I don't know how to start, heh, let's see...A lot of people like commented and rated on this book about how amazing and sad it was and like it was just awesome.

It was okay. I guess I didn't like Hazel much, I mean I don't hate but...

I didn't like her attitude sometimes about how she puts love ahead of family. It's a sad story, I know, about how Gus died and yeah I did shed some tears but it doesn't wow me that much. (A lot of people are prolly thinking of killing me right now. Oops sorry. )

But I really love the way John Green writes. Genius.

"Okay, it's okay."

"I fell in love with the way you fall asleep slowly and then all at once."

"Maybe "okay" will be our "always""

Good news is they made a movie about it and I think it's gonna be awesome! I think i'll love t then. Hopefully.


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