Friday 28 February 2014

Give Me Love.

I wish for you to be happy, for I am happy. Grateful and happy.
Be thankful for the people that are always there for you.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

The Fault In Our Stars - John Green (Book Review)

The Fault in Our Stars. 

I know i'm a little too late. Then again, books are like music, there's no expiry date.

I don't know how to start, heh, let's see...A lot of people like commented and rated on this book about how amazing and sad it was and like it was just awesome.

It was okay. I guess I didn't like Hazel much, I mean I don't hate but...

I didn't like her attitude sometimes about how she puts love ahead of family. It's a sad story, I know, about how Gus died and yeah I did shed some tears but it doesn't wow me that much. (A lot of people are prolly thinking of killing me right now. Oops sorry. )

But I really love the way John Green writes. Genius.

"Okay, it's okay."

"I fell in love with the way you fall asleep slowly and then all at once."

"Maybe "okay" will be our "always""

Good news is they made a movie about it and I think it's gonna be awesome! I think i'll love t then. Hopefully.


Sunday 16 February 2014

Wolves, Boys, & Other Things That Might Kill Me - Kristen Chandler (Book Review)

Wolves, Boys, & Other Things That Might Kill Me - Kristen Chandler

Picked up this book at the school library. Never knew it was there. I guess I was lucky.

At first I thought it was a "Twilight" story, never liked Twilight though. This book wasn't boring. I can't say it's amaaazingg but it was nice and interesting. Worth the read, I promise. 


It's about a 16 year-old girl named KJ who's living in West End with her dad who is a guide. Her mom died when she was still a child. She meets new kid in town Virgil and they're assigned to work together on a school newspaper article about the wolves of Yellowstone, National Park. As KJ works with Virgil, she also gets to know more about the wolves. Since the whole town are against the wolves, KJ feels the need to protect the wolves as she sees them in a different way. And soon it's gonna be one against the whole town. 

This story is about family, friends, love, nature and guts.

I really don't like the ending because Virgil had to leave. :((

"Maybe the future is like rowing for shore. Your only choice is to try or give up."

"Maybe doing the wrong thing for the right reasons is better that doing the right thing for the wrong reasons. At least it feels that way."

"I'm going to miss you, Wolf Girl."

"They're great killers." "That's because we're killers too."

Nice one Kristen Chandler. Next book, The Fault In Our Stars. (I'm a little too late, I know.) And I missed Looking For Alaska. I saw it in the bookshop and I thought Alaska was Alaska Alaska, you know, and I didn't buy it. Goshhhhhh. 

Books are more precious the clothes, that's why I need to spend my money more on books than clothes. 

Just reorganized my wardrobe. The clothes i'm not gonna wear takes up half of my wardrobe. ikr. Gonna donate them, donate donate donate. 

Thursday 13 February 2014

Valentines 2014

Valentines Day isn't a day that people like me would anticipate. You know, single. So it'd be just another Friday for me.

And I think a lot of people will tell you off (if you're 16 like me.) that you're still young bla bla bla to even put an effort in caring about Valentines Day.

I think that we're old enough to love, but too young to understand it.

"We're to young and too dumb to care, love was a story that couldn't compare." 
Love it.

Nothing's perfect, I get that. Sometimes things don't go well and it's okay, it's fine, no big deal. But when love, when a relationship don't go well, it's over. Relationships are either good or bad, there's no middle ground. I'm not taking the risk any more, well at least at this age.

I like friends. I like being friends. I like being good friends and having them. I love them, I really do. I don't plan to go over the "friend line", not ever. I'm not crush material, I dislike awkward situations.

There's going to be a lot of confessions and flowers tomorrow.

Anyway, tell them you love them before it's too late. See a chance? Take it or leave it. No second guessing. That's the only two options in a relationship.

I feel like a philosopher. Haha *sweats*

Happy Valentines Day!

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Fine China

I miss China. 

I miss the city lights. 

I miss the sickening cold autumn weather. 

I miss the accent and the crowds of chattering people. 

I miss the loose electric wires. 

I miss the old buildings. 

I miss the food. I miss the smell of the air. 

I miss the shopping districts. 

I miss the landscapes. 

I miss the windmills. 

I miss the sunrise. 

I miss the little alleys. 

I miss the western cafes. 

I miss the night market. 

I miss everything about China.

I used to hate it, especially the awfully cold weather. Now, I'm missing it. I actually love it, I long for it. Well maybe not the terrible cold weather.

Missing city lights, missing China. 
Missing Mr Past and what he used to be. 

Sunday 9 February 2014

CNY 2014

Happy Chinese New Year guys! Its been a long time since I posted something up here. I'm in a process of making a decision now. One I hope I wont regret.

CNY seems to have become a yearly routine. Especially chuyi (first day).

As usual on chuyi(first day), me and my family headed to my aunt's place for breakfast. We had longevity noodles, which is a tradition. Then we headed to my gramps' place to kick start the visiting process. Lastly, headed to my great grandma's place for lunch.
Nice day, nice people, peaceful, happy.

Outfit was a simple black and red. Didn't have the time and money to get clothes. It was last minute shopping for CNY clothes.

Went visiting with friends on chusi(fourth day). Visiting friends on chusi has seem to become a ritual as we do this every year. 

Old faces, new relations. Amazing people.

CNY wasn't that grand compared to the past few years. I guess things changed. I'm adapting myself to the changes around me. Back to the hectic school life, it's okay I guess. Its a form of getaway for me. I'm lucky to have amazing friends around me.

Happy Chinese New Year once again! Stay healthy. :)