Tuesday 20 August 2013

Tuesday Blues.

Check out my stuffs!

I ranted a couple of times that im GD's fan!! So I went to Pick and Pack to do a DIY pencil case! Its the most useful one cos others are like keychains and t-shirts so pencil cases are perfect for people going to school -.-

I painted this myself and left the black background for the taokenio to help me finish. Basically you give her the design and she will finish it for you in three days but me and a friend decided to paint ourselves( its paint okay! Not print! So nice right?!) The taokenio super nice one lor!!

Pick and Pack sells almost everything you need for gifts. They provide amazing DIY services like Keychains, Pencil Cases, Shoes, T-Shirts, Cups and more!

The price for pencil cases is RM 15 for big one and RM 10 for small one.
Mine is the big one btw. Not enough for me to put my things because I have a whole lot of stuffs! The previous pencil box i use is a travelling toiletry bag. What?! Yep...

Pick and Pack
Lot 3037, First Floor
Jalan Tun Ahmad Zaidi Adruce 
(a.k.a Jalan Kereta Api)
93200, Kuching
(People often recognize this place as the shop with the huge spongebob on the window)

My friend gave me this GD pin, thanks so much!!

Here comes the good stuff. GD ONE OF A KIND Headphones! Its so pretty and nice! Got this down from an online shop. Its only RM 18. Scream now.

Its in mandarin. Paiseh lehhh... they have lots of kpop stuffs especially running man stuffs! So if you are a huge fan of kpop you must go take a look!! Buy above RM80 free postage yo!

Outfit shots :)
 This is from the collection of clothes I NEVER wear.

Halter top with flowery skorts. 

I guess it pairs really well haha :D It made me look so skinny O.O

Except for my DIY tank top because I wear it all the time :P Paired with bubbly shorts.

Thats all :D Thanks again! XOXO Bye :D

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