Saturday 10 August 2013

Summer Mall RANTS

Im mobile blogging while walking in these killer converse. The thing about sneakers is that you walk five steps and your skin starts to peel. Its irritatingly painful jeesh. Or isit just that im not meant to wear sneakers *sobs*

Okay im at Summer Mall now and to all my cat city peeps out there if you dont know where or what in the world is summer mall.. omg..are you living..under..a...cave? Yeah, its not even IN a cave, its UNDER.

In case you dont know, in case lah, its the new mall opened at Samarahan. Its like the right mall at the wrong place because its super far away from the city and you have to drive until who knows when to get there.

Im so wowwed by it now. *Inserts bling bling eyes emoticon* Everything there is so perfect, okay im gonna rant right now. The Starbucks there is more nice and special than other branch and the FOS there is larger also. So many nice nice clothes but all so pricey.

Why, tell me why its so far!!! And I got to try baskin robins! First time baskin robins in Kuching mah, being so sampalao must excuse one. Its so pricey-ly delicious.

Went to Watson again. Its like my fav shop lol. Got one question i always wanted to ask, why is cosmetics so pricey until it makes no sense? Like four color eyeshadow cost you frigging fifty bucks. Makes no sense lah! Nevermind..

Got no pics for you, sorry for just seeing words. Lol. The budget skincare routine im using, its basically random products put together because I need to save money cos theres alot of things i want to buy. It goes like this,

Apricot Foam Cleaser from Nutrimetics
Nano White Infinity

Blemish Control Moisturizer from Oxy

Hydra Plenish Glacier Toner from Skinz

Very weird right? It works pretty fine to me.

Because i tend to repeat certain words and complained alot about things being too pricey, in case you're thinking "cant afford then dont buy lah" as i said, i need to save and watch what i spend money on. Its just what i think and feel, no offence.

Thanks for hearing me rant away again :)
Good Night

Lol i just realised that in every paragraph im complaining everything is pricey -there, i used that word again. Sorry lor

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