Sunday 27 September 2015

A Zombie Tale

I am a zombie, made to walk this earth alive (technically, half-alive). I am forced to compress my desire and hunger for human brains. I am told to keep a lot of secrets. Secrets like half the world is populated by zombies (oops now you know). In spite of that, with the help of Dr Brainashinagan - the only doctor/engineer/dishwasher/pole-dancer/bartender/actor and stuntman - developed a new technology in which one zombie can do without brains if zhe gets tanned (or bleached) to a certain skin colour (Yes, there is a machine developed for that). So don't fret, though your neighbor might be a zombie, they ain't comin' for your brains. Relieved? Better now? Well there's one thing you should worry about. You see, zombies need this technology (thanks to Dr. Brainashinagan) because zombies can't survive on brains anymore. Sorry, my bad, I'll rephrase. Because humans don't have brains anymore! I can see all your thoughts jumping into the runaway train while you're holding in your piss. Feel like you've lost a little weight? Maybe it's your brain that's gone. Poof. Evaporated, from all the dirt you've been feeding it. Well look on the bright side people, continue throwing stones at your neighbor and have liquor for dinner because your safety is zombie stamped and guaranteed.  

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Procrastination is poison.

I tell myself I'd get it done, in the next hour. The next hour. Again, the next hour. 
I'm addicted to this fruitless routine,
like an alcoholic,
tomorrow will be a better day.

Except that tomorrow never becomes a better day.
Tomorrow is today, yesterday, the week before, everyday.
Tomorrow is the same,
because I do nothing,
and misunderstands it for something.
Tomorrow I will realize today was nothing.
Tomorrow, I will do something, again.

It takes me nowhere.
It's like a road trip simulation. 

Too little time to use, too much time to lose.
An abundance of things to do,
an abundance of things I forced myself to do,
as an excuse.

I do not want the real thing.
I do empty things coated with a myriad of colors,
because reality is grey.
I know it will hurt me someday,
but still I face the other way.

Procrastination is poison.

Tuesday 15 September 2015


Photo credits: Tumblr

I'm just a lovelorn teenage lass. 

I've lost my touch.

I've forgotten how it feels to do something I love, purely and entirely just something I love. 

I've been boxed in by circumstances lately, and I've been lured to live like them. 

What's fame and fortune? Just a status, a title, dirty dollar bills, rusted changes. 
What's so good to have them? Attention. Power. A life well lived, or is it? 
But we can't not concede, can we. 

It takes too much time trying to influence the world to change, and sure the people who were crazy enough to do so did, but I'd rather save my time. 
Shamelessly speaking. 

After all, time is everything isn't it. 

It is the in and out, the up and down, the past, present and future. People come and go, revolving around what? 

Time is too precious and too much of a luxury to be wasted on changing the world.
I will just make the best out of this life, and maybe by doing so the world will change.

I want to spent every second I have in this jaded boring world seeking for happiness in the little things. 

Maybe one day I might just become that person I hate, but for now let's just let it be. 

Sometimes I wonder why do I keep track of my life, why do I plan everything out. 
Great scheme of things? How great did they often turn out, right? 
Sometimes we don't need a game plan. 

I'll set sail, but who and where is to become my safe harbor? 
I need love and time. The two things we all can't have. 

I'm out of faith.
 Take my hand. Someone.


Friday 11 September 2015

#np: September's Playlist

I fell in love with an album...

Mourning Doves - Mikky Ekko

Growing Pains - D&E (Donghae & Eunhyuk)

Unbreakable - Jamie Scott

Ghost - Jake Miller ft. Nikki Flores

Reflections - MisterWives

Smile - Mikky Ekko

I really love Mikky Ekko's new album, Time. Especially the song Mourning Doves. It's so beautifully written and sung.

Well now trials are finally over! I will blog more throughout the holidays! ;)

Till then.

Love, C.