Saturday 25 April 2015

Say You Love Me

#tb to some random day of the year. I know it totally does not match the title of this post. *laughs*

Cause' I don't wanna fall in love,
If you don't wanna try,
But all that I've been thinking of,
Is maybe that you're mine.
- Jessie Ware

My friend whom I haven't spoken to for a long time asked me,
"Do you have a boyfriend?"
"No." *laughs*
"Don't you feel like having one?"
"Uhmm...yeah...but it's not like I can get one when I want one." "I'm just waiting." *laughs*

For people like her, it's effortless. With a snap, voila.
But that is a different story.

In my opinion, people can change drastically when they take on different roles in your life.
Like they're like this when they're being a friend and they completely change when they become your partner.
Hence it is some sort of a risk to date and such. But it's a very beautiful risk, I must admit.

I think the keys to a good relationship is: the exact distance, toleration and patience.
I think of being in a relationship as living as one with two personalities. 
To nourish the good, to change the unhealthy, and to accept the unchangeable.

I hate possessive relationships, because I was in one and it was hell.

Distance and the right space will help a relationship breathe,
as long as hearts stick together.

I told her I am just waiting.
I am still really young.
I am not mature enough to imagine a realistic relationship yet.
It's either very fairy-tale-like or otherwise very void. 
One thing I know,
Is to strive for the best for myself,
then good things will come along.

Never live to find the one,
Live a good life and then love will be one of the things that come along.

I just finished Tiny Times 1 & 2.
But it's so beautifully intense.
Boyfriends cheating, friends backstabbing.



There are so many beautiful quotes and sayings in the movie.
I cannot tahan.
Dem feelings~~

He is damn hot. 
 I heard Kris is rumoured to star in the 4th instalment of the series.
He better be.

May is here. I still can't get used to how fast time flies.
I think no one can ever get used to it.
Half of the year is almost gone.
I discussed with mom the other day.
About studying abroad.
I want to study in New Zealand.
That place is gorgeous and it gives a great vibe for students.
I don't know if I can go there.
Well we shall see.

It's been a long rant.
No regrets, 
Live, don't just exist, 

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