Thursday 5 March 2015

March 05

Why do people torture themselves? It's obviously so not worth it.

Someone once said, "live in the present, the moment and own it," It's so true. To live in the moment, just this very second, and feel no regrets whatsoever.

Negative people makes us negative because we let them. Why don't we just shut them out, problem solved. So easy. But regrettably, people love the pain.

People love pain. Yes. A quote from John Green, "It demands to be felt."  

Can we ever be honest with ourselves? Repeating the same word over a thousand times isn't gonna change who we are. Or will it?

I find the nature of insulting others rather amusing. I had an epiphany, when people insult others, they're actually making a huge fool out of themselves. The victims will take the blow, whatever, who cares? Time heals the pain. But the one who triggers the gun can never escape the fact that he shot someone. No matter how nice you will be in the future, you cannot deny your past. You are the one with dirty hands. You are the killer. You killed. 

"I'll tell you this, possibilities are endless but I've made a decision. Your bait, I won't bite. I admit, what you're thinking is true, but don't get too cocky. I want to be happy. I deserve better." 

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