Thursday 12 March 2015

Love Yourself, For Yourself

That bottled up frustration is choking in your throat. You're about to drop a nuclear bomb on anything that touches you now. You explode into clouds of haze and smoke, but the next thing you know you've got yourself a new label: PSYCHO

You head home, thinking why the hell did you have to vent your frustrations. You should've just hold it in, should've just put on a smile. Now the world hates you for being such a bitch.

There's a rhythm inside us that keeps us sane. Sadly, there are shit around us that breaks that rhythm. That is why sometimes we act and behave differently. We just want others— if we happen to meet at the wrong time— to know that in the core, that person you see is not who we are. We also need time to bring our rhythm back, maybe even a better one, and only then you can see the true colors within us.

We grow spikes that we can't control. We hurt others that are innocent, and even those who tried to care. Truth is, we had always known the antidote to this sick phenomenon. It was always in our hands, but we chose to neglect it. We had always preferred temporary relief, we'd all deny but prove me wrong.

Putting on a smile isn't going to work if the heart is still on negative mode. The heart has to smile first, then everything will follow suit. We have to let go of things that doesn't matter, and stop caring about them too (because things that matter will always work out, eventually if not straight away.)

We have to stop stuffing the mind with negativity (mostly just loads of overthinking) because who are we trying to please or hurt? Whoever feels the pain is hurting, do I need to say more?

Breathe and tell yourself that from now on you're gonna do things that you love and you are going to choose to be happy. You choose your own happiness and right now you are going to be nothing but be happy.

Go with the flow because everything will work out in in time, stop caring so much about other things and people that don't matter. The things other people say? Who are they anyway?

I love this mindset: Everyone has shit to clean, some clean their own and some just go around adding to others' pile. Know that you cleaned your own shit so why rage about people who are too dirty to be bothered to clean their own.

Let things go, live for yourself and choose to be happy. A happy heart is a happy life indeed.

Tuesday 10 March 2015

#np: Blackbear

I just downloaded a whole list of songs from All Time Low. I'm so in the mood for pop rock. Mad loving Therapy. Love love love.

Then I chatted with a friend and he introduced me to Mat Musto a.k.a Blackbear. 

Love his vocals, love his flow. Love how he alternates between rapping and singing. Different from the herd. Love his style.

His album is called 'Deadroses' 

The full album.

I personally like Dirty Laundry, Ain't Love, Wasted, 90210, and of course Deadroses. *insert thumb emoticon*

Other songs outside the album:

End of the Road - Machine Gun Kelly ft Black Bear

This is my personal favourite. I have this thing for Hip-hop R&B kinda music. I really like every element in it, from lyrics to the mood and everything else. Definitely going on replay.

Just Friends? - Blackbear ft. Nylo

So multi-talented. I like his flow of rap in this song and sings well too. I don't know, it's a personal thing maybe? Plus Nylo's combination is spot on. Double plusss, there's a little EDM going on (is it only me that feels that way?) and I love club music (1. I've never been to a club, not legal yet. 2. so I don't know how club music really sounds 3. because I think club music sounds nice cause of all the music videos shot at clubs 4. not implying that all EDM sounds like club music)


It's nice to have friends who share the same love for music. We can just talk about artists and songs and bands all day long. My soulfood. <3

Thursday 5 March 2015

March 05

Why do people torture themselves? It's obviously so not worth it.

Someone once said, "live in the present, the moment and own it," It's so true. To live in the moment, just this very second, and feel no regrets whatsoever.

Negative people makes us negative because we let them. Why don't we just shut them out, problem solved. So easy. But regrettably, people love the pain.

People love pain. Yes. A quote from John Green, "It demands to be felt."  

Can we ever be honest with ourselves? Repeating the same word over a thousand times isn't gonna change who we are. Or will it?

I find the nature of insulting others rather amusing. I had an epiphany, when people insult others, they're actually making a huge fool out of themselves. The victims will take the blow, whatever, who cares? Time heals the pain. But the one who triggers the gun can never escape the fact that he shot someone. No matter how nice you will be in the future, you cannot deny your past. You are the one with dirty hands. You are the killer. You killed. 

"I'll tell you this, possibilities are endless but I've made a decision. Your bait, I won't bite. I admit, what you're thinking is true, but don't get too cocky. I want to be happy. I deserve better." 

Monday 2 March 2015

#np: March's Playlist

Super theme-less playlist. Just some songs I've recently been hooked on. 

Twice - Little Dragon

茉莉雨 (Jasmine Rain) - 林俊杰 (JJ Lin)

The Space Between - Soyou & Urban Zakapa

You Don't Know Love - K.Will

You Deserve Better - Verbal Jint ft. Sanchez

Kathleen - Catfish and the Bottlemen

Paperthin Hymn - Anberlin

Make You Better - The Decemberists

Girls - The 1975

Loveee Twice by Little Dragon. I've tried some of their songs and Pretty Girl's quite nice too. 

JJ Lin's 茉莉雨 from his latest album 新地球 Genesis, I'm still constantly replaying that song. I don't know, I love those kind of songs that has that "traditional song" kinda feeling to it but still quite not. Love the title song too, 新地球 but I decided not to include because it's the title song and I prefer introducing songs that are "undiscovered/forgotten".  

K.Will's You Don't Know Love is really catchy in a non pop-ish way, I'd say in a R&B/Ballad way but i'm not quite sure about that. The Space Between from Soyou & Urban Zakapa is really cute and sweet plussss Ahn Jae Hyun in the M/V is gawd *drools*. Love Hip Hop/R&B, love the combination of Verbal Jint and Sanchez. Korean rappers seem to deliver emotions really well (it's a personal opinion). Damn those Phantom (Sanchez) guys sing really well. Not just average good but like super skilled. 

And I'm trying out something different lately, been trying out Indie and Rock music so yeah those last four songs made it to my playlist. *thumbs up*

Love, C.