Sunday 9 March 2014

Stress + Time Management

Students like me encounter stress all the time. Stress over homework, stress over exams, stress over not having enough time. Trust me, homework or schoolwork is not the cause of stress. Time is! Not enough time is merely an excuse because what i'm going to tell you next is a tip that is going to help you manage your time and do all the things you want in one day!

For example,

To-do-list : Homework, Studying, Dramas, School activities, Tuition.

Let's say you have a huge stack of homework, plus exams are just round the corner but you really wanna watch your drama.

So here's how i'll plan my schedule.

What you see above is the schedule where you don't have any school activities or tuition. So if you have tuition or school activities, try to complete your homework in school, or bring to your tuition center and try to complete it before the tuition starts. You can also minimize the time to watch you drama and take more time to complete your schoolwork or studies. Remember, schoolwork>dramas. 

Tip: When you study, you wanna study on the important things. Don't spend too much time on the less important things.

Try to take more time to do your homework and study because stress usually comes from there. Take a deep breath and start doing your work, the earlier you start the earlier you finish. ;)

Hope it helps. 

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