Friday 21 March 2014

Growing up.

Holiday starts again. Amazing how time flies, I mean I thought it was still January and now I've finished my exams. 

This 3 months a lot of things have happened. I realized that there are amazing people out there, people that like who you are and not how you look, people that won't make fun of you. I love them. Thanks.

I'm grateful for these people to come into my life, i'm so happy that they helped me to move on from my past. Although people will leave you, what's meant to be is meant to be. I really believe in that. It doesn't matter if they stay, what really matters the most is what you've learnt from them. What they gave you. People long and crave because of greed. Be grateful sometimes and let go. That's what I've learnt.

Andrea, Sam, Irvin and Mel. <3

Happy holidays, stay well. xoxo.

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