Sunday 30 March 2014

Ending of a not-so-long break.

Holidays are over. The world spins too fast. I Dayre-ed my holiday so you can read a more detailed story @  

3 days of badminton was tiring and really fun. I've been really moody too these days. 

Hang out at CityOne and had dinner at Shabu Shabu on Saturday. Celebrated William's birthday in advance. 

Someone just commented on my Stories blog post. To know that there are people reading it motivates me to keep blogging there. I'll come up with something soon. My kick's gone. Finding inspirations every now and then.

Just in case, Stories. My blog for...stories? (ya don't say) Well it's a platform for expressing my experiences in a "non-ranting" way.

A little review on the shabu shabu restaurant I went to.

SaSa 滚 Rolling Shabu-Shabu

No. 37, Ground Floor, Sublot 11998, Block 16, KCLD,
Brighton Square, Jalan Song, 93250,
Kuching, Sarawak.

It works like a sushi place where there's a conveyor belt thingy that type. (Excuse my rojak english). Everyone get's a pot of their own and there's three types of soup : Original, Tom Yam and Hot and Spicy. 
I'd recommend tom yam or original but never never choose the hot and spicy one. It has a blunt and bitter taste. Really weird. You can order extra like pork or lamb slices, fried dumplings etc. 

Honestly, I really like the place. It's like a korean+jap place. Nice feel, got steamboat mood one. Lol.

I took loads of selfies with friends and its up on my dayre. 

Prices are RM 28.80 for adults and RM 13.80 for children. Oh and btw, to all the ladies out there, you can enjoy 25% discount on Tuesday. 

(Ps: There's a U Garden at the back of Song Plaza. Ladies night is on Wednesday. So go shabu-shabu on Tuesday and U Garden on Wednesday = shiokness) 

If you wanna know more about it click here.

That's it! xoxo 

Thursday 27 March 2014


Give me a rose.
A daisy in my hair.
Give me a letter.
With letters of a fountain pen.

Pull my chair out and help me in.
We'll go Dutch tonight I don't mind.
Whenever we're on the rocks.
I'll pat your shoulder
Says we're gonna be fine.

And all we have is time.
Tell me all bout' your life.
Cos I would like to know you better.
And when you're done 
I'll start with mine.

And one day we'll meet
In a cafe
And we'll both drink our chocolate
Cos we both can't take coffee.
We'll laugh about it 
And it's fine if nobody gets it.
All that matters is you'll get me
And i'll get you
And we'll be laughing cos we get each other.

Saturday 22 March 2014

Saturday Melodies.

New cover!

It was a quick cover tho coz I was too boring and I can't sing the high notes well. So anyway, tadaaa
ps: The quality is quite shitty since i'm using earphone mic and very minimal background music. Hope you give it a try anyway. :D

Stay by Rihanna ft. Mikky Ekko.

Friday 21 March 2014

Growing up.

Holiday starts again. Amazing how time flies, I mean I thought it was still January and now I've finished my exams. 

This 3 months a lot of things have happened. I realized that there are amazing people out there, people that like who you are and not how you look, people that won't make fun of you. I love them. Thanks.

I'm grateful for these people to come into my life, i'm so happy that they helped me to move on from my past. Although people will leave you, what's meant to be is meant to be. I really believe in that. It doesn't matter if they stay, what really matters the most is what you've learnt from them. What they gave you. People long and crave because of greed. Be grateful sometimes and let go. That's what I've learnt.

Andrea, Sam, Irvin and Mel. <3

Happy holidays, stay well. xoxo.

Sunday 9 March 2014

Stress + Time Management

Students like me encounter stress all the time. Stress over homework, stress over exams, stress over not having enough time. Trust me, homework or schoolwork is not the cause of stress. Time is! Not enough time is merely an excuse because what i'm going to tell you next is a tip that is going to help you manage your time and do all the things you want in one day!

For example,

To-do-list : Homework, Studying, Dramas, School activities, Tuition.

Let's say you have a huge stack of homework, plus exams are just round the corner but you really wanna watch your drama.

So here's how i'll plan my schedule.

What you see above is the schedule where you don't have any school activities or tuition. So if you have tuition or school activities, try to complete your homework in school, or bring to your tuition center and try to complete it before the tuition starts. You can also minimize the time to watch you drama and take more time to complete your schoolwork or studies. Remember, schoolwork>dramas. 

Tip: When you study, you wanna study on the important things. Don't spend too much time on the less important things.

Try to take more time to do your homework and study because stress usually comes from there. Take a deep breath and start doing your work, the earlier you start the earlier you finish. ;)

Hope it helps.