Wednesday 13 April 2016


Never settle for the least. Never settle for just the company, the reassurance, and the safety. 

Never negotiate with your feelings, and take the cheaper. 

What you want, who you are and who you want to become, you know that, then manifest in that. 

If you are happy with who you are, then be you. Just keep being you. 

Never settle for someone who's perfect in your eyes but only your flaws in theirs. 
Never fall for someone who weighs your rights and wrongs. 

Love someone who loves you more than they love themselves, someone who will accept you for who you are. 
Someone who traces your scars, and breathes you in deep like a work of art. 

Never give yourself up, and in to someone who will eventually change you into someone you're not. 

Set your priorities straight, your mind, life and well-being comes first no matter what. 

You are the painter and the art. You are the sculptor and the sculpture. You have every right to choose what you want for yourself, and don't ever let anyone take that away from you. 

People will understand who you are, and those who don't don't really know who you are then. 

Never throw yourself at people. Believe in the "meant-to-be"s. Keep your head up and high. Settle for the best, settle for the "all bites and no barks", settle for pure happiness and joy and love and butterflies. 

Give yourself the best that you can ever provide.

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