Monday 11 November 2013

Blogging Hiatus.

Just kidding. ;) Im blogging on another platform for my daily activities and for those things that are really not blogspot-able. Like all those short posts. So im still blogging here of course and this is the last post here before i get back from my trip. I'll definitely blog about that here. But in the meantime if you wanna follow my daily activities you can follow me on DAYRE! Its a new app thats perfect for bloggers on the go! Cos you can update straight from your phone. Download it now gogogo! Follow me on I hope i can update dayre on my trip if its allowed. But im definitely constantly updating my Instagram so you can follow me there @celinetiang while im on my trip. It's like a sneak peak of what im gonna blog. Hahahah. Okay, thats for all. Do follow me on Dayre kay? ;) Bye ;)

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