Wednesday 23 October 2013


Its been long since i post something decent i know. Im getting there..just hang on. Heh..
So what plans...what crime did i do this holiday?
First i just wanna say you can blame me. Yep. You can.
Been up to alot lately but..okay I can give you all the reasons why I didnt take photos or didnt take enough photos to blog a full post about it.
1. Too busy (pfft lame excuse..please lah!)
2. Sitting at wrong angle (got like this one meh?)
3. Super horrible background/thingy/whatever
4. Phone jammed when magic happened....okay that did not happen.
5. No interesting things to take pics because i've been doing the usuals lately.

Soooooooooooooooo what about I just talk..err i mean write you through the whole process?
Yes or No doesn't matter. Im gonna do it anyway.


First! This one super sien one lor I tell you. I watch Gravity for three times! First time i cried, but the other two times i just literally forgot why in the first place did I cry. Its not like the movie is so frgggggggn nice+awesome+wow+fantabulous ( but its quite nice lah and i'd recommend you watch it IF YOU DIDNT WATCH IT BEFORE). The first time was at LFS cineplex, 2D. Okay I admit it was good. Second time also with the same people at GSC, 3D. Okay lah, first time watching Gravity in 3D still boleh tahan. Very good. THE THIRD TIME HARRRR...was with my friends cos there was nothing to watch already and she wanted to watch Gravity so I admit that I hesitated in my heart but agreed finally. Cant blame her mah..its okay.

Swan Teem Steamboat

Went to Swan Teem or better known as 双天 with the girls just recently. Its located at RH Plaza if you dont know yet. RM 20 for adults 10 for children below 12years. Steamboat actually are all same to me. So im just gonna complain? Nah..dont...dont. Just describe the basics in full speed. Two types soup choose one tom yam or chicken, the typical grill you know lah, food wise its a no for me cos the marinates are not nice enough heh. Actually I really dont know why I dont like that place. Cant figure out. Prolly cos that night was really oily and hot lol. Next is abit better. -->


The day after Swan Teem, I went to The Spring to hang out with the gang. Yeah. Love them heh -.- Watched Insidious Chapter 2 that day. I watched the first one before but cant remember well bout it, then that day waisehhhh when the movie is starting, I told myself, face it, its nothing, just a movie. I'm the type of person who likes to "watch" horror movies. By "watch" i mean just listen to the sound lol. That time I really cannot tahan already, cannot tahan the suspense so being the typical one who always takes the wikipedia shortcut, I wiki-ed the plot and finished understanding the movie before the actual ghost appeared. Plus I go google the actress of the ghost and pictures and found out its not that scary lorr. So i got little bit more guts to watch heh. *ihatethesoundsysteminthecinemaftl -.-

U-Garden Steamboat
Then we went for dinner at U-Garden Steamboat. Its behind Song Plaza, opposite CityOne. U-Garden is alot better for me I guess. 29.90 per person. Its abit pricey but its okay for me. U-Garden is using crystal grill so I guess for me it doesn't like "spill oil" you know that kind when you're frying fish and the oil "fly" out and hit you. Damn painful lor. Swan Teem is like that so I prefer U-Garden. They offer two soups at once meaning the pot divide in two, one side tom yam one side chicken. Their marinates are good actually. I like the honey one. :D They offer ready cooked food too like fried noodles, fried rice, sushi and some fried snacks idk. Didn't bother at all cos we all eat steamboat what. Who go layan those ready made one? (alot of people) Being a suaku I must say this. Have you all tried before the machine made MILO? The machine where you press the button then got water come out one.....*aiyorr why do i even bother to explain this. This is so embarrassing* Anyway, its super nice! Different than the ones we make of course. Machine mah duh...I tried it before when I went bowling with the school bowl club last time. (Y)

That's all for now. Now my purse is bleeding. Seriously lost alot of blood.
Bye! xxooxxo

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