Monday 28 October 2013

Kick start your life

I thought I'd like to share some quotes with you guys. :) It keeps me going and hope it keeps you too :D
I'll be talking deeper into the quotes based on my perception.

"Treat people as you will like to be treated. Karma's only a bitch when you are"
Sometimes people keep on complaining about the way they're being treated but they dont realise that they treat other people the same way. Its hard to control our emotions and actions or the way we speak just because we get angry. Its also hard to apply the concept of "think twice before you speak or do something" We can find time to reflect on our mistakes and try not to treat other people in a bad way because we wouldn't want other people to treat us the same bad way right? (or prolly worse.)

"Break the rules and stand apart. Ignore your head and follow your heart"
To be outstanding, to be irreplaceable, to be noticed, we have to be different. Different in a way that you have your own personality, your own style. Your own way to do things but at the same time its admiring and inspiring. Though everything we do we must think before we take action. Think with your head but at the end of the day, follow your heart to where it takes you.  

"If you have the strength to say good-bye. Life will give you a new hello"
I truly agree with this because i've been there. We all must let go. Because in life there is a lot of doors. You have to come out of that door, close it, before you can open a new one again. Good or bad its an experience. Lets say you cant let go the one you really hold on to. Ask yourself is there anything to hold on to left? What for? In the end he/she will just be a traveller in your life. Sit down have a cup of tea and leave. Then how about things. Lets say your favourite teddy bear. You cant let go because it has been years you've hold on to it. In the end you have to let go somehow prolly because your mum wanted to get rid of old stuffs? So let it go, let it be. Memories will remain, and one day you'd fine one even better, maybe it wont be a teddy bear anymore. Maybe it'll be someone you will love or something you will need for a long time. 

"There are people out there who will tell you you cant. You just gotta turn around and say "watch me""
This is something I like to tell a lot of people. I cant do shit seriously but im learning because I dont wanna give up so easily anymore. I wanna at least tell people like "hey, i can do this" Everytime I think of those who looked down on me, that's my motivation to pick myself up and continue learning. "Watch me" Dont let those who think their so good look down on you. You have to prove that their not any better. Better yet, you have to prove that you're better than them. 

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