Wednesday 11 May 2016

May 11

I crashed a car.

One day after I got my driving licence.

I freaking crashed a car.

Way to go, Celine, way to go.

I hit the pavement, hard.

It was near evening, sun was setting.

The rays were piercing, I couldn't see.

Everything was a blur.

I was wondering why the other car was going the other way, and next thing I know, bam!

I felt everything falling down on me.

It's like in that flash of a moment you think you're going to die, pictures of horrible car accidents flashing through your mind, but you're not. You're alive. I'm alive. The car was still moving.

I felt helpless, I felt extremely scared and disturbed, I wanted to just cry and be at home.

My friend was calm af, ahaha.

I pulled the car over at the next block.

I came to my senses, the dashboard came out. Damn.

We got a flat tire, and something broke beneath the car. The pavement soon to be a mess of brake fluid.

My friend called her mum, and through her network she got some people to help us.

Everything went by quickly, and I was home safely next.

I'm thankful I'm safe, not even a tad bit injured.

I'm thankful. 

This experience shall make me a better driver, I guess.

Thank God. 

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