Tuesday 24 May 2016

In Two Weeks

In two weeks you leave,
on a plane to somewhere my hands too short to reach.

In two weeks, I shall completely let you go.
I shall move on because you are no longer mine for the taking.
You were never mine to own.

In these two weeks I shall mourn,
for my heart is in pain,
but I know it is about to take a new shape.
A stronger one, a liberating one.

I shall spend the best last moments with you,
and cherish it and keep it close to me.
For you are different, you are something.

And after you are gone,
I shall miss you from time to time,
and my heart shall call out to you,
and I shall reminisce the afternoons we spent together.

I shall remember you as someone who came into my life
and taught me things I never thought were possible.

After two weeks, I shall look over to my side,
and hope that you are there,
and know that you are not,
but I shall not feel any pain.
Only longing, that shall fade with time,
only to leave behind great memories,
and that is what I shall always feel 
when I look at the empty seat beside me.

And after all that, I shall wish you the best,
with every ounce of sincerity in me.
So that both of us can live a great life,
to tell each other when we meet,
like no one ever left and time never passed.

In the meantime, I shall keep you closer.
I shall make up for my wrongdoings,
and forgive yours.
I shall let my heart breathe, slowly.
I shall see clearer, 
and know that everything that is happening,
is for the better.

In the end, you'll just be another boy I've loved before.

Wednesday 11 May 2016

May 11

I crashed a car.

One day after I got my driving licence.

I freaking crashed a car.

Way to go, Celine, way to go.

I hit the pavement, hard.

It was near evening, sun was setting.

The rays were piercing, I couldn't see.

Everything was a blur.

I was wondering why the other car was going the other way, and next thing I know, bam!

I felt everything falling down on me.

It's like in that flash of a moment you think you're going to die, pictures of horrible car accidents flashing through your mind, but you're not. You're alive. I'm alive. The car was still moving.

I felt helpless, I felt extremely scared and disturbed, I wanted to just cry and be at home.

My friend was calm af, ahaha.

I pulled the car over at the next block.

I came to my senses, the dashboard came out. Damn.

We got a flat tire, and something broke beneath the car. The pavement soon to be a mess of brake fluid.

My friend called her mum, and through her network she got some people to help us.

Everything went by quickly, and I was home safely next.

I'm thankful I'm safe, not even a tad bit injured.

I'm thankful. 

This experience shall make me a better driver, I guess.

Thank God. 

Sunday 8 May 2016

May 08

I've come a point where I'm tired and I don't really care about the fact that my life can coincide with a lot of people. I'm done worrying about how others see me. No more questioning myself if I'm living someone else's life. The people who matter don't mind. In the end, it's still my life. Go big, or go home.