Monday 2 September 2013

Being A Couch Potato

Dang! Food poisoning switch is on again! Every year at least once I'll get food poisoning. I ALSO DON'T KNOW WHY AHHH. and this time it made me had to miss my friends bday party. Imagine people get to party on the first day of September and all i got was 6 dates with the toilet bowl and things coming out of my mouth instead of you-know-where..ops..gotta hit the toilet again.
Okay im back. Well look at the bright side. At least i dont have to worry about diet again. (That's a pretty sick way to look at it )
So no school for me today. Probably gonna go check my eyes later. Im seeing double vision :(
Mom's happy seeing me singing again hahaha.I JUST REALIZED I GOT 4 MORE WEEKS TILL PMR HAHAHAHA. Where's doraemon when you need him heh.. okay bye!

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