Friday 13 September 2013

Sec 4.

Next year is going to be sec 4. For three years I've been through heaven and hell with a bunch of amazing people. Even though friends can never be there with you 24/7, they can always put a smile on your face. Sec 4. We will be going to classes depending on our results. Of course, its very hard and I really really hope we can be in the same class again. 

Some friends will forget you, no, not forget. Its just that they moved on. Like storybooks, they moved on to the next one with new characters and new adventures. Thats what i hate. 

Old buddies, new buddies? Good buddies, best buddy? I love them, I feel like crying every time i think about what will happen next year. Depressed. 

But.. our results are more or less the same so that adds up to the possibility that we will be in the same class again.

Ahhhh stop the rants. Got my classic sling bag from J'Store. Love their collections to bits! 

Cant wait for next volume! Looking forward to it!

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