Friday 3 February 2017

Edge of Seventeen

I watched Edge of Seventeen and it's so good! I cried so hard, it wasn't even that sad but I did anyway. It took me back to a lot of places emotionally, because I've struggled with friends and boys before (I mean, come on, we all have) and it was kind of similar to my case (just a whole lot different) and it's just really relatable for me. 

I'm not good at writing summaries/synopsises so go watch it I promise it's good. 

In the movie Nadine (Hailee Steinfeld) says she's an old soul, and that people her age have nothing in common with her (she's 17 btw). I feel the same way too, I have trouble finding people that I can truly bond with. I'm weird, I say random things, I have a weird sense of humour and people find me...weird

Also, Nadine says that some deranged part of her keeps thinking that she's the only one with real problems and that she realises she's not. As much as I hate to admit, yes we all have our own demons to face and like it or not, we're not the only ones who have problems. I've seen people comparing who's had it the worst and that's just not right. There's no winning in this tragedy game, it's not a race. It's an individual process, and each problem we face shouldn't be looked down on just because someone is 'having it worst' than us. 

Everyone is trying to heal in various different ways and quote from one of my favorite writers, Nikita Gill "healing is not horizontal, and I am allowed to take my time.

I'm saying this because Nadine has her demons, and she's on her own journey to healing (I sound like a spiritual healing master rn). I love how the movie flows, how she realises that her internal conflict with herself is causing external conflict with the world around her. And she fixes herself, by getting hurt and hurting others in the process, and saying sorry which is one word most of us can't bring ourselves to say.

While Nadine has a huge crush on a guy she thinks is hot (but I think not), she meets Erwin from her history class (yay romance!) who has a crush on her, and later she realises that Erwin is a great guy (it doesn't show that they fall in love and live happily ever after but they better be). 

Be yourself. Do you and the right people will come to you. As cheesy as that sounds, it's the truth. 

We have our own ideal type of guy or girl, or even friend. Oftentimes, those set of 'rules' are built shallowly on the surface. It's mostly based on looks, and maybe a mixture of common good traits like kindness, selflessness and so on. And when that 'ideal' person comes into your life, you start to see their 'flaws' like how they look when they eat, how they laugh, what they laugh at, their background, their culture, their lifestyle, and you start to wonder a bunch and everything doesn't turn out right. See, we don't consider the details (and we never should) and when you think someone is right for you, they often aren't.

My point is, just be yourself. Ditch those 'ideal' set of rules, and just do you. The right person will step into your life, breaking all the rules, but you'll find them better than any other. 

PS: Blake Jenner is hawt. At first he looked familiar and then I realised he was in Glee. He turned out hawwttt

Haymitch is also in the movie, as funny as ever! 

Go watch it please. :)))